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AM-2201 for sale

IUPAC 1-[(5-fluoropentyl)-1H-indol-3-yl]-(naphthalen-1-yl)methanone
CAS # 335161-24-5
Formula C24H22FNO 
Purity ≥ 98 %
Appearance Broken White Powder

Buy AM-2201 for sale online has a reputation in research circles as being the most potent chemical in the cannabinoid class.

A full agonist for the associated receptors, it is active in doses as small as 500 micrograms, and therefore should be handled with extreme caution to avoid involuntary inhalation.

The fact it has such a broad receptor binding profile has made buy AM-2201 for sale online an extremely popular choice among researchers.


Additional information


5g, 10g, 25g, 50g, 100g

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