Discretus Shop News and Updates Amazon Gift Card, Vanilla VISA Gift Card, Walmart Gift Card now accepted USA only

Amazon Gift Card, Vanilla VISA Gift Card, Walmart Gift Card now accepted USA only

we have decided to start accepted few gift cards for USA family members, we hope you like the changes, it was highly recommended as an alternative to Western Union payment. Anyway we currently accept: Amazon Gift Card, Vanilla VISA Gift Card and Walmart Gift Card.

This is our first trial on this method, so we are little strict about it (but easy for everybody).

 So Bellow rules apply:
1. we only accept physical gift cards bought by cash at stores,no credit card and debit card.
2. Receipt and gift card number display must match if not we refuse to trade
3. picture : Must be clearly visible ,Must be complete
4. we accept this method only for USA resident.


Procedure on using this payment method, you can either grab your gift card before of after initially making an order on our store and use the normal ordering procedure (select products, add to cart, checkout with gift card as payment method selected).

You can find it in basic format bellow:

1. select products, add to cart, checkout and submit the order
2. go to retail store or shop and buy gift card according to your order amount (if total price of gift card is not equivalent to the order amount, we will either reduce the order or increase it to  march up with the gift card amount, if difference is not much, we give it as bonus.l).
3. send your gift card codes text , pictures of gift cards and cash receipts to [email protected] for validation.
4. After we receive your mail with card details, we will process your order, ship and notify you through our website for the current status.

OR use the bellow methods (we added this since clients complained of not being able to send the receipt):

1. select products, add to cart, checkout and submit the order
2. go to retail store or shop and buy gift card according to your order amount (if total price of gift card is not equivalent to the order amount, we will either reduce  the order or increase it to  march up with the gift card amount, if difference is not much, we give it as bonus.l).

3. go to “My Account” section upload the gift card and receipt pictures, front and back is needed.

sample screenshot of uploads:

My Account - Discretus Shop

NOTE: No photo or Picture is not clear = No order processing till we receive a clear picture.

so you can now buy research chemicals with gift card or buy MDPV with gift cards and any other product on our online shop and those still to be added (new stock arrived warehouse and will be added soon.)

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